The Power of Presence:

An 8-week journey into Radical Presence

The Power of Presence.

Reclaiming our Power. Reclaiming our Hearts. Reclaiming Soul.

This journey begins with a deep grounding and connection to the Earth herself. Providing us with a solid ground and stable base from which to explore our thoughts and emotions.

From this place of balance and stability we will explore simple mindfulness practices that support us to:

  • open up to challenging emotions with stability, authenticity, and love. 
  • work with negative thought patterns and the inner critic, as a portal to reclaiming our power.
  • use our mindfulness practice to have greater choice and freedom about where we place our sacred energy and attention.

We will end this course with a closing circle where we explore what it means to live more fully from the heart. And to parent from a place of loving connection and presence.

“ Learning to be with our own difficult thoughts and emotions with acceptance and love is radical. Not just because it transforms our relationship with ourselves.
But because it transforms our relationship with our children.”


Sangha Mamas say…

I found Jodi's mindfulness course both transformational and empowering. She teaches with the intention of always arriving back to self-love and self-compassion. I am better mother and more joyful being since learning from Jodi

Hui – Brighton

Course structure:

  • Live Session 1 –
    This Body is an Earth Body
    (Sunday  8th May)
  • Live Session 2 –
    Mindfulness of Emotions
    (Sunday 22nd May)
  • Live Session 3 –
    Mindfulness of Thought & The Inner Critic
    (Sunday 5th June)
  • Live Session 4 –
    Taking our Seat in the Heart
    (Sunday 19th June)

What’s included?

  • Live workshop with Jodi every 2 weeks via Zoom.
  • All live session are on a Sunday Morning 10:00 – 11:30 (GMT)
  • Guided meditation MP3’s to listen again and download
  • Access to Zoom replays/ recordings
  • Weekly prompts for reflection
  • Partner work (optional) for those who want to connect with another mum on the course

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for Mums who already have some experience of basic mindfulness of breath and body practices. If you’re not sure please email Jodi. Thank You!

What if I can’t make the live Zoom sessions?

Everything is recorded so don’t worry if you miss any of the live sessions

How much is it?

This course is currently £99.
Some PWYC places available.

Other Mums Ask

If you have questions about the course you’ll probably find them here. 

If not please get in touch – we’re always happy to hear from you!!

Sangha Mamas say…

Thanks to this course with Jodi I have seen the vast beauty inside of me, that I felt too shy or embarrassed to dare to believe in.  Thanks to Jodi, I think I'll be able to be more confidently myself. That's huge isn't it…

Sian – Wales