Jodi’s Story
What matters most is how we love.
I believe that’s what our children will always carry with them:
how deeply, authentically, and whole-heartedly we loved.
I’ve been working hand in hand with mums for over a decade. First as a Doula and Midwife, then as a Perinatal Yoga and Mindfulness teacher. Supporting hundreds of families from around the world.
My own journey as a mother began with the homebirth of my son Clovis, in Paris in 2017. As I navigated the difficult feelings and emotions that were arising during motherhood, I leaned more and more into my mindfulness practice.
My practice gave me a quiet place within myself that I could always return to. A way to stay true to my heart and the mum I wanted to be.
At the same time I was hearing from Mums all around me how lost, overwhelmed, and disconnected they felt in their motherhood journey. So I began to share the mindfulness practices that had been of such support to me.

I went on to train as a Professional Mindfulness teacher with the Mindfulness training institute, and began to adapt the teachings in a way that felt real, relevant and resonant for the lives and lived experiences of mothers.
Mindfulness is about deep listening. I’m always listening and learning from the mums I work with. Adapting the practices I share in response to what mums tell me they really need and what they struggle with most.
I’m still learning and re-learning every day. But I always return to my heart as my one true guide.
My intention is always to serve the women I work with in the best way I can. With authenticity, simplicity. And love.
My Teachers
I bow my head in deep gratitude to the incredible women who have blessed my path: Francoise Freedman, Ingrid Lewis, Uma Dinsmore Tuli taught me what sisterhood really means, and to honour the sacred journey we walk as mothers.
Countless mindfulness Teachers have inspired my practice and teaching, including: Ayala Gill, Sarah Powers, Martin Aylward, Zohar Lavie, Leela Sarti, Thanissara, Martine Bachelor, Sharon Salzburg, Diana Winston and Kristen Neff.
Mother Nature remains my greatest teacher and guide. Whenever I feel lost or disconnected: I feel the earth beneath my feet, the wind on my skin. The gentle presence of warm sunlight. And I remember I am always home.