Sangha Mamas Say…

Hear the stories from some of the incredible mums that have joined the Mama Sangha journey.

Jordanne – York

"I felt held and safe in Jodi's circle which is what I needed to let go and find some inner…

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Deisy – Mozambique

These Sanghas have been a safe space for me to relax and connect with myself, a place that uplifts me…

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Sian – Wales

Thanks to this course with Jodi I have seen the vast beauty inside of me, that I felt too shy…

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Eloise – London

Jodi's wise words and nourishing practices have helped me find my centre and ground myself into the present moment.

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Laura – Paris

Jodi’s gentle voice whispers to you to offer goodness to yourself, to move through life just a little bit more…

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Angie – Guisbrough

“I'm so glad I discovered this Sangha! I especially love the kindness and self compassion meditations, and the discussion and…

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Sherina – London

Jodi makes you feel that you are not alone in your day to day challenges, and that by shifting our…

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Luise – London

Jodi does not just follow a rigid structure like some courses might, instead she really hears us as a group…

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Rohana – Plymouth

This Sangha is like having a little bit of home and I am eternally grateful for it.

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Amy – Isle of Man

I absolutely love the feeling of coming together with other Mothers in a safe, shared space to meditate and think…

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Hui – Brighton

I found Jodi's mindfulness course both transformational and empowering. She teaches with the intention of always arriving back to self-love…

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